Former Archbishop of York John Habgood takes the question of faith as a starting point for the exploration of a wide variety of topics – from science to the common good, from education to the media and to modern moral dilemmas. Faith, he points out, is not synonymous with certainty. Christianity does not proved an infallible source of ‘right’ answers. However, faith at its best can provide enough inner security, through reliance on the grace of God, to enable explorers to cope with the inevitable uncertainties of moving into unfamiliar intellectual, political or moral territories. A questioning faith is in the end stronger than one which relies too heavily on some external authority. As a former scientist himself, John Habgood shows how science and theology can learn from each other. he shows why evolution should not be regarded as the enemy of faith. Faith and Uncertainty is a statement of belief by one of the most influential an important thinkers in the Church. It shows how one man, constantly exposed to public scrutiny and the weight of popular opinion, has held faith with both Christian tradition and the actual complexities of modern life.