Dr. Felix Podimattom is one of the best-known moral theologians in India and outside. Besides his full time job as a professor, he finds time to write books at an amazing rate. He has authored 77 books. Besides his Master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Mysore, he holds a Licentiate in Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, and subsequently a Doctorate in Moral Theology from the Alphosian Academy, Rome, His post-doctoral studies were pursued in Washington, DC, U.S.A. At Present he is professor of moral theology at St. Francis Theological College, Kottayam, Kerala.
modern society limited the vision of priesthood to be a social worker, psychologist or counselor or simply administrator of sacraments rather than a Christ centred prayer based leadership identity. The absence of contemplative prayer has become universal among the time constrained duty bound overburdened priests. The book analyses the spiritual, emotional, ministerial life of a priest and how fulfillment of love can be had from a celibate life. The focus of spirituality need to change from performance to experience that is a qualitative improvement capable of enlivening community around. Priestly life is not a sprint to exhaust energy by overwork but a marathon where one should keep a harmonious balance of prayer and contemplative action.
The celibate life of a priest should not be a barren bachelorhood but a rich experience of fullness of love of Christ. A priest needs to grow to be an enlightened mystic guide with the fire of the Spirit leading the community around him to that experience.